Partie bei Mola di Gaeta

Reference: s22335
Author Gottfried SEELOS
Year: 1870 ca.
Zone: Formia
Printed: Wien
Measures: 420 x 300 mm

Reference: s22335
Author Gottfried SEELOS
Year: 1870 ca.
Zone: Formia
Printed: Wien
Measures: 420 x 300 mm


Litografia tinta raffigurante dintorni di Formia, probabilmente la vista da Maranola o la valle dell'Aurente.

La litografia deriva dal dipinto di Hugo Ritter ed è pubblicata nel Wiener Kunstler Album.

In ottimo stato di conservazione. Rara.

Gottfried SEELOS (attivo a Vienna prima metà del XIX secolo)

Gottfried Seelos was a student of the 'Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, and in particular the landscape artist Joseph Selleny. With his brother Ignaz Seelos (1827-1902), a pupil of Carl Rahl, has designed and translated into lithography the cycle of frescoes from "Tristano and Isotta" in Castel Roncolo - Bolzano.

Gottfried SEELOS (attivo a Vienna prima metà del XIX secolo)

Gottfried Seelos was a student of the 'Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, and in particular the landscape artist Joseph Selleny. With his brother Ignaz Seelos (1827-1902), a pupil of Carl Rahl, has designed and translated into lithography the cycle of frescoes from "Tristano and Isotta" in Castel Roncolo - Bolzano.