Les Étoiles Fixes divisées en Constellations Boréales et Australes

Reference: S11355
Author Eugène Andriveau-Goujon
Year: 1854
Zone: Celestial Chart
Printed: Paris
Measures: 660 x 500 mm

Reference: S11355
Author Eugène Andriveau-Goujon
Year: 1854
Zone: Celestial Chart
Printed: Paris
Measures: 660 x 500 mm


Double hemisphere celestial map with evidence of the equatorial belt; the first of the plates contained in the large-format geographic-historical atlas by Geographer-Editor J. Andriveau-Goujon, published in Paris in the mid-19th century. L'Atlas de Choix, ou recueil des meilleures cartes de Geographie ancienne et moderne is an encyclopedic graphic work consisting of sixty plates, drawn and written by different authors under the direction of the publisher. It includes five plates of astronomical content followed by a dozen historical maps and geographical maps, which represent the largest group. After the two planispheres we have Europe and its states, which, particularly France, are reproduced in ample detail. The last third of the volume is devoted to the states of the other continents. Closing the work is a beautiful extra-format map devoted to the rivers and mountains of the globe.

Andriveau-Goujon, among his contemporaries, was the only one who included a conspicuous group of celestial charts in his general atlas.

Eugène Andriveau-Goujon's cartographic collection was first published in about 1848 under the title Atlas classique et universel de geographie ancienne et moderne, contenant les decouvertes et les divisions les plus nouvelles dans les cinq parties du monde pour servir a la lecture des voyages, des ouvrages historiques et des meilleurs traites de geographie. Publie par J. Andriveau-Goujon. Adopte par le Ministre de la Guerre pour les bibliotheques regimentaires. Subsequent reprints contain the original body of maps and a substantial addendum.

Eugène Andriveau-Goujon (1832 - 1897) was a map publisher and cartographer active in 19th century Paris. The firm was created in 1825 when Eugène Andriveau married the daughter of map publisher Jean Goujon - thus creating Andriveau-Goujon. Maps by Andriveau-Goujon are often confusing to identify as they can be alternately singed J. Goujon, J. Andriveau, J. Andriveau-Goujon, E. Andriveau-Goujon, or simply Andriveau-Goujon. This refers to the multiple generations of the Andriveau-Goujon dynasty and the tendency to republish older material without updating the imprint. The earliest maps to have the Andriveau-Goujon imprint were released by Jean Andriveau-Goujon. He passed the business to his son Gilbert-Gabriel Andriveau-Goujon, who in 1858 passed to his son, Eugène Andriveau-Goujon, under whose management the firm was most prolific. Andriveau-Goujon published numerous fine pocket maps and atlases throughout the 19th century and often worked with other prominent French cartographers of the time such as Brue and Levasseur. The firm's stock was acquired by M. Barrère in 1892.

Litograph with original colour, light waterstain at the left and righ edges, othewise good condition.

Eugène Andriveau-Goujon (Parigi 1832-1897)

Eugène Andriveau-Goujon (Parigi 1832-1897)