Idea dell'Universo

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Reference: S49147
Author Vincenzo CORONELLI
Year: 1693 ca.
Zone: Celestial Chart
Printed: Venice
Measures: 540 x 775 mm

  • New
Reference: S49147
Author Vincenzo CORONELLI
Year: 1693 ca.
Zone: Celestial Chart
Printed: Venice
Measures: 540 x 775 mm


Decorative example of Coronelli's 2-sheet Cosmographical Chart, published in Venice.

Magnificent celestial chart representing the major astronomical and astrological theories from classical times to the end of the 17th century. The central engraving is a large celestial planisphere incorporating the rotations of the planets and signs of the zodiac, which is surrounded by 4 blowing windheads and 5 planetary diagrams. The subjects include a perpetual calendar, the zodiac, the parts of the body dominated by each zodiac sign, the theories of eclipses and a cross-section of the Earth including the various circles of Hell according to Dante's Divine Comedy. The border is comprised of 28 smaller diagrams ranging from illustrations of solar and lunar eclipses and terrestrial maps to diagrams of astrological aspects and a chart indicating which zodiacal signs govern the various parts of the body. As a whole the engraving provides a spectacular visual compendium of astronomical and celestial theories.

The Atlante Veneto by Coronelli contains this double sheet in which a map with the “Idea of the Universe” is depicted: it recalls the Ptolemaic images placed at the beginning of the scholastic editions of the Divine Comedy, with the “Underworld” at the center of the Earth, located in turn at the center of everything. A few pages later Coronelli illustrates the four “systems” that were hotly debated in his time: that of Copernicus, Descartes, Tycho Brahe and the oldest of Ptolemy. If the “Idea of the Universe” seems to soothe the reader (and the censor) in its majestic presentation at the beginning of the work, the subsequent pictures devoted to the heresies of modernity complete the discourse, leaving it hanging in the judgment of the observer and the student. Coronelli makes no pronouncement, simply offering hypotheses, but at the same time warning that the opening's “Idea of the Universe” does not summarize all that is known at the moment.

Etching, impressed on two sheets of contemporary laid paper, paper folds, otherwise in excellent condition.

Vincenzo CORONELLI (Venezia 1650 - 1718)

Cosmographer, geographer, biographer, encyclopedist, globe maker, inventor, expert of engeneering and hydraulics. Extraordinarily versatile mind and an extremely tireless man, he produced more than 140 pieces in different genres. At the age of 15, he entered the Franciscan Order, which he then guided as Gran Generale from 1699. He became famous as geographer and mathematician, awakening the interest in these subjects in Italy at the end of the XVII century. He travelled a lot, seeking for all that was new, and keeping a correspondance with the most important intellectuals of his time. In 1681 Louis XIV wanted him to go to France, to entrust him with the task of making two terraqueous globes (Marly Globes), with a diameter of 4 metres. Once he came back to Italy, in 1685, he became Cosmographer of the Venetian Republic, where he taught geography and founded the first geographic accademy, called The Argonauts Accademy. In his whole life he produced more that 500 maps; some of them can be found in his most famous works, such as the Venetian Atlas (1690), the Island Book of the Venetian Atlas (1696-97), the Book of Globes (1693). As far as his scientific method, he didn’t elaborate new cartographic systems, but followed the theories that were considered most popular and effective at his time, based on the Copernican system. The main characteristic of his charts is the high quantity of toponymic and historical information. In his most famous and dense work, the Venetian Atlas, we can find about 1100 plates, 200 of which are extremely technical and this is the reason why it is considered the first Italian atlas to describe and illustrate the whole world with charts and maps. It was published in 13 volumes, starting from 1690, and it took nearly ten years to finish it. It is divided in different parts, the most important are the Atlas itself, then the Island Book, the Corso Geografico and the Teatro delle città.

Vincenzo CORONELLI (Venezia 1650 - 1718)

Cosmographer, geographer, biographer, encyclopedist, globe maker, inventor, expert of engeneering and hydraulics. Extraordinarily versatile mind and an extremely tireless man, he produced more than 140 pieces in different genres. At the age of 15, he entered the Franciscan Order, which he then guided as Gran Generale from 1699. He became famous as geographer and mathematician, awakening the interest in these subjects in Italy at the end of the XVII century. He travelled a lot, seeking for all that was new, and keeping a correspondance with the most important intellectuals of his time. In 1681 Louis XIV wanted him to go to France, to entrust him with the task of making two terraqueous globes (Marly Globes), with a diameter of 4 metres. Once he came back to Italy, in 1685, he became Cosmographer of the Venetian Republic, where he taught geography and founded the first geographic accademy, called The Argonauts Accademy. In his whole life he produced more that 500 maps; some of them can be found in his most famous works, such as the Venetian Atlas (1690), the Island Book of the Venetian Atlas (1696-97), the Book of Globes (1693). As far as his scientific method, he didn’t elaborate new cartographic systems, but followed the theories that were considered most popular and effective at his time, based on the Copernican system. The main characteristic of his charts is the high quantity of toponymic and historical information. In his most famous and dense work, the Venetian Atlas, we can find about 1100 plates, 200 of which are extremely technical and this is the reason why it is considered the first Italian atlas to describe and illustrate the whole world with charts and maps. It was published in 13 volumes, starting from 1690, and it took nearly ten years to finish it. It is divided in different parts, the most important are the Atlas itself, then the Island Book, the Corso Geografico and the Teatro delle città.