Reference: | S38501 |
Author | Domenico ZENOI |
Year: | 1567 |
Zone: | Austria & Hungary |
Printed: | Venice |
Measures: | 195 x 151 mm |
Reference: | S38501 |
Author | Domenico ZENOI |
Year: | 1567 |
Zone: | Austria & Hungary |
Printed: | Venice |
Measures: | 195 x 151 mm |
Etching with engraving, printed on contemporary laid paper, trimmed to the platemark, very good condition.
Early issue of this small map from the region of Domenico Zenoi, is a small-sized replica of his work published the previous year, and still documents the war events against the Turks, which ended with the siege of Szigetvár (September 8, 1566) .
There are detailed representations of the Austro-Hungarian troops of Maximilian II of Augsburg and of the Turkish troops of the sultan Suleiman the Magnificent.
The map is included in two of the five known copies of the collection "Il primo libro delle citta et fortezze del mondo", the result of the collaboration between Zenoi and Paolo Forlani.
It is sometimes found in small-format Atlas Factice. However, it is also possible to find in the 16th-century large-format collections, such as the Atlante Doria and the one kept at the Biblioteca Casanatense in Rome.
There are no known reprints, although the map is occasionally included in "De’ disegni delle piu illustri città et fortezze del mondo" by Giulio Ballino, published in Venice by Bolognino Zaltieri in 1569.
Almagià (1927): n. 69; Ganado (1982): n. 27; Kraus (1972): n. 38; Shirley (2004): I, n. 59; Sotheby’s (2005): n. 43; Ganado (1993): p. 33, nn. A13, C16; Lago-Rossit (1981): p. 59, tav. XXIX; Marinelli (1881): n. 542; Kozličić (1995): p. 90; cfr. Szalai-Matković (2012): pp. 4-36; Szathmáry (1987): n. 72; Tooley (1939): n. 125.
Bifolco-Ronca, Cartografia e Topografia Italiana del XVI secolo, Catalogo ragionato delle opera a stampa (2018), pp. 1170-1171, tav. 493.
Domenico ZENOI (Attivo tra il 1559 e il 1574)
Engraver, goldsmith and publisher. Active in Venice and Padua. Fifteen-year privilege granted by the Senate, 5 december 1566 for devotional prints, portraits and maps that he intended to publish. A license was issued to Zenoi on the same day by chiefs of the Council of X. A month later, 11 January 1567, a second license with stipulation that Zenoi required to show each print to the Esecutori contro la bestemmia so that they could check there was no obscenity. 9 september 1568 fined, with Camocio, by the Esecutori for obscene prints and sonnets found in Camocio's shop. His plates were published by, among others, Donato e Ferrando Bertelli, Bolognino Zaltieri, Pierre de Huchin.
Bifolco-Ronca, Cartografia e Topografia Italiana del XVI secolo, Catalogo ragionato delle opera a stampa (2018), pp. 1170-1171, tav. 493.
Domenico ZENOI (Attivo tra il 1559 e il 1574)
Engraver, goldsmith and publisher. Active in Venice and Padua. Fifteen-year privilege granted by the Senate, 5 december 1566 for devotional prints, portraits and maps that he intended to publish. A license was issued to Zenoi on the same day by chiefs of the Council of X. A month later, 11 January 1567, a second license with stipulation that Zenoi required to show each print to the Esecutori contro la bestemmia so that they could check there was no obscenity. 9 september 1568 fined, with Camocio, by the Esecutori for obscene prints and sonnets found in Camocio's shop. His plates were published by, among others, Donato e Ferrando Bertelli, Bolognino Zaltieri, Pierre de Huchin.