Reference: | CO-623 |
Author | Sebastian Münster |
Year: | 1560 ca. |
Zone: | Lazio |
Printed: | Basle |
Measures: | 160 x 120 mm |
Reference: | CO-623 |
Author | Sebastian Münster |
Year: | 1560 ca. |
Zone: | Lazio |
Printed: | Basle |
Measures: | 160 x 120 mm |
Tavola tratta dalla Cosmographiae Universalis, edizione in tedesco, Basilea, seconda metà del XVI secolo.
La Cosmographiae Universalis di Sebastian Münster (1488-1552), stampata per la prima volta Basilea nel 1544 dall’editore Heinrich Petri, venne più volte aggiornata e aumentata di nuove carte geografiche e rappresentazioni urbane nelle sue numerose edizioni che arrivano all’inizio del secolo successivo. Münster aveva lavorato a raccogliere informazioni al fine di ottenere un'opera che non deludesse le aspettative e, dopo un'ulteriore pubblicazione in tedesco abbellita da 910 stampe su legno, giunse nel 1550 all'edizione definitiva in latino, illustrata da 970 silografie.
Vi furono poi numerose edizioni in diverse lingue, fra cui latino, francese, italiano, inglese e ceco. Dopo la sua morte di Münster (1552), Heinrich Petri prima, e il figlio Sebastian poi, continuarono la pubblicazione dell’opera. La Cosmographia universalis fu uno dei libri più popolari e di successo del XVI secolo, e vide ben 24 edizioni in 100 anni: l'ultima edizione tedesca venne pubblicata nel 1628, molto tempo dopo la morte dell'autore. La Cosmographia conteneva non solo le ultime mappe e vedute di tutte le città più famose, ma anche una serie di notizie enciclopediche di dettagli relative al mondo conosciuto, e sconosciuto.
Il particolare successo anche commerciale di quest'opera fu dovuto in parte alle belle incisioni (tra i cui autori si possono citate Hans Holbein il Giovane, Urs Graf, Hans Rudolph Manuel Deutsch, David Kandel).
Silografia, in buone condizioni.
Sebastian Münster (1488 - 1552)
Sebastian Münster was a German cartographer, cosmographer, and Hebrew scholar whose Cosmographia (1544; "Cosmography") was the earliest German description of the world and a major work - after the Nuremberg Chronicle of 1493 - in the revival of geography in the 16th-century Europe. Altogether, about 40 editions of the Cosmographia appeared during 1544-1628. Although other cosmographies predate Münster's, he is given first place in historical discussions of this sort of publication, and was a major influence on his subject for over 200 years.
In nearly all works by Münster, his Cosmographia is given pride of place. Despite this, we still lack a detailed survey of its contents from edition to edition, along the years from 1544 to 1628, and an account of its influence on a wide range of scientific disciplines. Münster obtained the material for his book in three ways. He used all available literary sources. He tried to obtain original manuscript material for description of the countryside and of villages and towns. Finally, he obtained further material on his travels (primarily in south-west Germany, Switzerland, and Alsace). The Cosmographia contained not only the latest maps and views of many well-known cities, but included an encyclopaedic amount of details about the known - and unknown - world and undoubtedly must have been one of the most widely read books of its time.
Aside from the well-known maps and views present in the Cosmographia, the text is thickly sprinkled with vigorous woodcuts: portraits of kings and princes, costumes and occupations, habits and customs, flora and fauna, monsters and horrors. The 1614 and 1628 editions of Cosmographia are divided into nine books. Nearly all the sections, especially those dealing with history, were enlarged. Descriptions were extended, additional places included, errors rectified.
Sebastian Münster (1488 - 1552)
Sebastian Münster was a German cartographer, cosmographer, and Hebrew scholar whose Cosmographia (1544; "Cosmography") was the earliest German description of the world and a major work - after the Nuremberg Chronicle of 1493 - in the revival of geography in the 16th-century Europe. Altogether, about 40 editions of the Cosmographia appeared during 1544-1628. Although other cosmographies predate Münster's, he is given first place in historical discussions of this sort of publication, and was a major influence on his subject for over 200 years.
In nearly all works by Münster, his Cosmographia is given pride of place. Despite this, we still lack a detailed survey of its contents from edition to edition, along the years from 1544 to 1628, and an account of its influence on a wide range of scientific disciplines. Münster obtained the material for his book in three ways. He used all available literary sources. He tried to obtain original manuscript material for description of the countryside and of villages and towns. Finally, he obtained further material on his travels (primarily in south-west Germany, Switzerland, and Alsace). The Cosmographia contained not only the latest maps and views of many well-known cities, but included an encyclopaedic amount of details about the known - and unknown - world and undoubtedly must have been one of the most widely read books of its time.
Aside from the well-known maps and views present in the Cosmographia, the text is thickly sprinkled with vigorous woodcuts: portraits of kings and princes, costumes and occupations, habits and customs, flora and fauna, monsters and horrors. The 1614 and 1628 editions of Cosmographia are divided into nine books. Nearly all the sections, especially those dealing with history, were enlarged. Descriptions were extended, additional places included, errors rectified.