Reference: | CO-384 |
Author | Vincenzo LUCHINI |
Year: | 1560 |
Zone: | Lazio |
Printed: | Rome |
Measures: | 455 x 325 mm |
Reference: | CO-384 |
Author | Vincenzo LUCHINI |
Year: | 1560 |
Zone: | Lazio |
Printed: | Rome |
Measures: | 455 x 325 mm |
Top center, in a simple box, the title: Paese di Roma. Lower right, the coat of arms of Pope Pio IV, featuring the papal symbols of crossed keys with tiara. Lower down is the inscription Cum privilegio and the date 1560. To the left of the coat of arms, a compass highlights the five-mile graphic scale of mm 28.
Etching and engraving, 1560, without printing details.
Example in the very rare third state of five described in Cartografia e topografia italiana del XVI secolo, with the depiction of 5 fortresses erected at the mouth of the Tiber for the Guerra del Sale (1557).
Anonymous map of Latium ascribed to Vincenzo Luchini. It represents the first of several derivations of the map by Eufrosino della Volpaia (1547), compared to which, although smaller in size, it shows a much larger territory. The work was a considerable success and was reprinted several times, until 1647, updating the papal coat of arms from time to time.
The map by Eufrosino Della Volpaia, can be considered the only original work, for the 16th century, of the Roman Campagna and was taken as a model for numerous maps of Latium. It reveals very close similarities in content with what is reported in Domenico Bocca Maza's Otto libri quali narreno de varii et diverse cose apertinenti alli Cacciatori, printed in Rome in 1548. Almagià states: “Essa può definirsi una carta topografica, e tale è anche per la copia di particolari di ogni genere e per l’esattezza del disegno delle località, le cui figurazioni prospettiche corrispondono all’aspetto reale, quale è in molti casi ancora riconoscibile, e dimostrano una perfetta conoscenza personale della Regione. Altre figurazioni di vario genere, alcune delle quali singolarissime, porgono una viva immagine della Campagna Romana in quel tempo”.
Magnificent proof, richly toned, printed on contemporary laid paper without watermark, with margins (with expert repairs), in good condition.
S. Bifolco – F. Ronca, Cartografia e topografia italiana del XVI secolo, (2018) pp. 2022-2023, tav. 1021, III/V; Almagia (1929): p. 21, A & F; Almagia (1948): p. 92, n. 20; Almagia (1960): p. 11; Arrigoni-Bertarelli (1930): n. 2114; Ashby (1914): p. 4; Bifolco-Ronca (2014): n. 111; Frutaz (1972): vol I, p. 27, tavv. 40 & 43; Tooley (1939): nn. 474-477.
Vincenzo LUCHINI (Attivo a Roma 1552- 1566)
Book and print dealer and publisher .Active in Rome. In 1559 he gained a papal privilege to open a “cartiera” in Rome. He appears as debtor of Lafreri/Salamanca society at its dissolution in 1563, where he is described as: “librario hic in urbe”. Close connections with Venice.
Single-sheet maps and prints 1556-64.
Vincenzo LUCHINI (Attivo a Roma 1552- 1566)
Book and print dealer and publisher .Active in Rome. In 1559 he gained a papal privilege to open a “cartiera” in Rome. He appears as debtor of Lafreri/Salamanca society at its dissolution in 1563, where he is described as: “librario hic in urbe”. Close connections with Venice.
Single-sheet maps and prints 1556-64.