Reference: | S31617 |
Author | Natale BONIFACIO |
Year: | 1570 |
Zone: | Rhodes |
Printed: | Venice |
Measures: | 245 x 315 mm |
Reference: | S31617 |
Author | Natale BONIFACIO |
Year: | 1570 |
Zone: | Rhodes |
Printed: | Venice |
Measures: | 245 x 315 mm |
Magnificent and very rare map of the island of Rhodes printed in Venice in 1570. Although it lacks the author's signature, for stylistic reasons it is attributed to the hand of the Sebenic engraver Natale Bonifacio, active at that time in Venice.
In a cartouche at lower left we find the title: RHODI INSULA nobilissima nel mare carpatio da antichi OPHIUSA ASTERIA AETRAEA detta Poi RHODI da RHODIA fanciula amada da APOLO. Fu in questa ISULA fato uno COLOSSO di tanta admirabile grandecia che fu detto da gli Homini essera uno miracolo del Mondo questo fu ragione che gli Habitatori furono detti COLOCENSSI. Jn venetia, 1570. The cartouche in the upper left-hand corner reads: LI SAVII DI RHODI. Following, divided into two columns, is a list of eminent people of Rhodes. In the upper right cartouche we find: GLI ARTEFICI DI RHODI ILLUSTRI.. This is followed by a short list of artists divided into sculptors and painters. Orientation with an eight-wind rose in the sea, north is at the top. Map lacks graphic scale and graduation in margins.
Example of the second state described in Bifolco/Ronca: “Carta anonima, con imprint editoriale Jn venetia, 1570. Dal punto di vista stilistico l’opera è attribuibile alla mano di Natale Bonifacio e la data coincide col periodo veneziano dell’artista. Molto dettagliata ed evidente la raffigurazione del porto fortificato di Rodi, che però curiosamente è posto in posizione palesemente sbagliata: non sulla punta settentrionale dell’isola ma lungo la costa orientale. Insolita la rappresentazione del mare, più dinamica rispetto alle modalità in uso all’epoca, che sembra voler riprodurre il movimento delle onde. La data di stampa potrebbe essere antecedente al 1570. È evidente, infatti, che il titolo è inciso su un testo abraso, ancora evidente. Questo lascia supporre che esista uno stato antecedente di questa mappa, che però non è citato in nessuna delle bibliografie consultate, né è stato individuato tra gli esemplari conosciuti di cui è stato possibile prendere visione” (cfr. Bifolco-Ronca, Cartografia e topografia italiana del XVI secolo, p. 1564).
Natale Bonifacio (1538 - 1592) was a talented engraver born in Sibenik, at the time of the rule of the Venetian Republic, to a noble family. Little is known about the early years of his life, but around 1570 he worked in Venice, and to this period belong numerous maps, dated between 1568 and 1570, later included in the Civitatum aliquot insignorum et locorum magis monitorum exacta delineation cum additione aliquot Insularum principalium edited by Ferrando Bertelli in 1568, and then by Donato Bertelli in 1574. From 1575 he was in Rome, where he authored numerous engravings. These include the Cristo Benedicente, known in three states (Lafreri, Duchetti and Orlandi); the Toro Farnese, dedicated to Alessandro Farnese and edited by Duchetti and included in the Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae. The works he engraved often bear only the initials N.B.f(ecit); in others, such as Prospero Parisio's map of Calabria (1589), he signs instead Natalis Bonifacius Sabenice incidebat Romae.
Etching with engraving, printed on contemporary laid paper without watermark, with unusually wide margins, in perfect condition. Only eight institutional copies of the map are surveyed, all from the second state.
Bifolco-Ronca, Cartografia e Topografia Italiana del XVI secolo, Catalogo ragionato delle opere a stampa (2018), p. 1564, tav. 770 II/II; Meurer (2002), The Strabo Illustrated Atlas, n. 75; Tooley (1939): n. 466; Zacharakis (1992): n. 2274; Zacharakis (2009): n. 3487.
Natale BONIFACIO (Sebenico 1537- ? 1592)
Engraver, etcher, designer, printer, print publisher and cosmographer, from Sebenico. Active in Venice c. 1570-74,and then in Rome 1575-91.He was proposed for membership of Virtuosi del Pantheon 9 February 1578, where described as “intagliatore in rame”(Orbaan).1579 he was a member of the Confraternity of San Girolamo degli Illirici.The inscription on his tombstone notes his activity as engraver and cosmographer (“aeris caelator divinus ac optimus geographus”).
In Venice his work was published by Camocio, Ferrando Bertelli, Luca Bertelli and Donato Bertelli, Borgaruccio Borgarucci and Nelli.
In Rome his work was published by Lafrery, Claudio Duchetti, Lorenzo Vaccari, and Nicolas van Aelst. His prints included maps, antiquities, devotional and didactic subjects.Plates for Domenico Fontana’s Della trasportatione dell’obelisco Vaticano 1590.
Natale BONIFACIO (Sebenico 1537- ? 1592)
Engraver, etcher, designer, printer, print publisher and cosmographer, from Sebenico. Active in Venice c. 1570-74,and then in Rome 1575-91.He was proposed for membership of Virtuosi del Pantheon 9 February 1578, where described as “intagliatore in rame”(Orbaan).1579 he was a member of the Confraternity of San Girolamo degli Illirici.The inscription on his tombstone notes his activity as engraver and cosmographer (“aeris caelator divinus ac optimus geographus”).
In Venice his work was published by Camocio, Ferrando Bertelli, Luca Bertelli and Donato Bertelli, Borgaruccio Borgarucci and Nelli.
In Rome his work was published by Lafrery, Claudio Duchetti, Lorenzo Vaccari, and Nicolas van Aelst. His prints included maps, antiquities, devotional and didactic subjects.Plates for Domenico Fontana’s Della trasportatione dell’obelisco Vaticano 1590.