La Macedoine et l'Albanie

Reference: MS6825
Author Philippe BRIET
Year: 1649
Zone: Macedonia
Printed: Paris
Measures: 190 x 150 mm

Reference: MS6825
Author Philippe BRIET
Year: 1649
Zone: Macedonia
Printed: Paris
Measures: 190 x 150 mm


Map taken from "Theatre Geographique de l'Europe...", a very rare work by the jesuit priest Briet, published in Paris by Pierre Mariette.

Copperplate with original outline colour, in very good conditions.

Philippe BRIET (1601-1668)

Jesuit priest of Abbeville. He produced the historical atlas Parallela Geographica Italiae veteris et novae, printed in 1648 and 1653; and Royaume de Iapon…in 1650.

Philippe BRIET (1601-1668)

Jesuit priest of Abbeville. He produced the historical atlas Parallela Geographica Italiae veteris et novae, printed in 1648 and 1653; and Royaume de Iapon…in 1650.