Reference: | S30673 |
Author | Giovanni Francesco CAMOCIO |
Year: | 1571 |
Zone: | Italy |
Printed: | Venice |
Measures: | 225 x 175 mm |
Reference: | S30673 |
Author | Giovanni Francesco CAMOCIO |
Year: | 1571 |
Zone: | Italy |
Printed: | Venice |
Measures: | 225 x 175 mm |
In the cartouche at lower left: Al molto Mag.co m. Andrea Gradenico del Clariss.o m. Zorzi fu del Clariss.o m. Iacomo miei patroni oss.mi Ricordomi che un giorno in Casa Sua Mag.co Sig.r mio ragionando ura Ma co[n] il sudetto Cl.mo suo padre gli fece alcuni quesiti sopra le cose di Geographia sop.a il qual suggetto udì belli discorsi, di modo che vedendola in cosi tenera etade tanto adornata di questa bella scientia. Rara in molti ne presi da me assai admiration, et per tal causa, si come gli era ser.r Affettionato, li diventai affettionatissi.o: sic he havend io fatto fare adesso il presente Golfo di Vinegia con parte dell’Italia in questa picciola forma, ho volute dedicarglilo per mostrarmegli con perpetuo testimonio affettionatiss.o di Casa di sua Mag.ia alla buona gratia di la quale mi racc.o Di Venegia alli 6 di ott.e 1571. Di vostra Magnificia Humile Servo Giovanni Fran.co Camotio.
Orientation provided by a wind rose in the Adriatic Sea, north is at the top. Map without graphic scale.
Graduation at the margins from degree to degree, from 38° 32' to 45° 28' of latitude and from 27° 10' to 40° 20' (29°50' to 43°20' at the top) of longitude.
Exemple in the second state of three, with dedication in the cartouche and before numbering.
The map, very similar in setting and information to that of Domenico Zenoi (1567), does not cover the entire peninsula, missing in fact part of Piedmont, Calabria, Corsica and all of Sicily and Sardinia. Issued as a separate publication, in the same way as all the small-format maps by Camocio, it was later numbered and included in the famous Isole famose, porti, fortezze, e terre marittime sottoposte alla Ser.ma Sig.ria di Venetia, adaltri Principi Christiani, et al Sig.or Turco, novamente poste in luce, in Venezia. A print proof of the work, with the cartouche devoid of any inscription, is preserved in the sixteenth-century collection of the State Archives of Turin (Z.III.4) and in one, of reduced size, of the Correr Museum (E 1447) already described by Gallo; circumstance that shows how the small-format maps of Camocio circulated even before being included in the Isole Famose. At the death of the publisher (1575), the plate was acquired by Donato Bertelli who reprinted it by adding a sequential numbering. This edition is the one included in the edition of the work that bears on the title page the imprint In Venetia alla libreria del segno di San Marco. (cf. Bifolco-Ronca, Cartografia e topografia italiana del XVI secolo, p. 1932).
Magnificent proof, rich in tone, printed on contemporary laid paper, with margins, in perfect condition. Rare.
Bifolco-Ronca (2018): p. 1932, tav. 918, II/III; Almagià (1929): p. 27, a; Bifolco-Ronca (2014): n. 12; Borri (1999): n. 45; Borri (2010): n. 51; Gallo (1950): p. 97, no. 3 and p.99, no. 18; Lago (1992): p. 170; Lago (2002): p. 286, fig. 285; Tooley (1939): no. 592.
Giovanni Francesco CAMOCIO (Attivo a Venezia tra 1558 - 1575)
Publisher Venetian, born in the first half of the century. XVI, in an uncertain place, perhaps in Asolo (Treviso) perhaps Slot (Cream). Most likely the first hypothesis because the presence of Camocio family, originally from Piedmont, is widely documented in the town of Treviso. The family Camocio, also belonged the celebrated Hellenist John the Baptist, considered by some historians, relatives and even John's brother Francis. Camocio already resident in Venice, the Doge in 1552 asked for and obtained, together with other shareholders, as editor, the privilege for fifteen years to publish the translation into Latin of the writings of Greek authors. In his book publisher, is also attributed some ten editions in Health (until 1571). The main activity of Camocio, owner of the library "The symbolism of the Pyramid" in San Lio in Haberdashery, was the sale of prints and engravings, intaglio reproductions of important works of art and maps, while his activities as a publisher of books is fragmented and delayed in time. At the "Pyramid" is also sold books on spicy, like the sonnets printed by Domenico Zenoi, which earned him the payment of a fine: 10 ducats to the author and owner of 5 ducats a library. Camocio was one of the largest publishers of maps of the sixteenth century, all produced in a laboratory chalcographic definitely its own. Although it is very difficult to determine precisely how many cards you collected and managed to produce and print, because of the ease with which, over time, they falsified the names of authors, publishers, and dates were changed. However, the presence of his name in many papers and his demands for privilege testify to his busy schedule. Subjects taken by great artists such as Titian and Michelangelo, views of cities, fortresses and maps, for the realization of which were called to work as evidenced by the signatures on the cards, engravers and cartographers of the value of Domenico Zenoi (Zenoni), Donato and Ferdinand (Ferdinand) Bertelli, Paolo Furlani (Forlani) and Giacomo Gastaldi.
Giovanni Francesco CAMOCIO (Attivo a Venezia tra 1558 - 1575)
Publisher Venetian, born in the first half of the century. XVI, in an uncertain place, perhaps in Asolo (Treviso) perhaps Slot (Cream). Most likely the first hypothesis because the presence of Camocio family, originally from Piedmont, is widely documented in the town of Treviso. The family Camocio, also belonged the celebrated Hellenist John the Baptist, considered by some historians, relatives and even John's brother Francis. Camocio already resident in Venice, the Doge in 1552 asked for and obtained, together with other shareholders, as editor, the privilege for fifteen years to publish the translation into Latin of the writings of Greek authors. In his book publisher, is also attributed some ten editions in Health (until 1571). The main activity of Camocio, owner of the library "The symbolism of the Pyramid" in San Lio in Haberdashery, was the sale of prints and engravings, intaglio reproductions of important works of art and maps, while his activities as a publisher of books is fragmented and delayed in time. At the "Pyramid" is also sold books on spicy, like the sonnets printed by Domenico Zenoi, which earned him the payment of a fine: 10 ducats to the author and owner of 5 ducats a library. Camocio was one of the largest publishers of maps of the sixteenth century, all produced in a laboratory chalcographic definitely its own. Although it is very difficult to determine precisely how many cards you collected and managed to produce and print, because of the ease with which, over time, they falsified the names of authors, publishers, and dates were changed. However, the presence of his name in many papers and his demands for privilege testify to his busy schedule. Subjects taken by great artists such as Titian and Michelangelo, views of cities, fortresses and maps, for the realization of which were called to work as evidenced by the signatures on the cards, engravers and cartographers of the value of Domenico Zenoi (Zenoni), Donato and Ferdinand (Ferdinand) Bertelli, Paolo Furlani (Forlani) and Giacomo Gastaldi.