Reference: | S37850 |
Author | Paolo FORLANI |
Year: | 1567 |
Zone: | Valletta |
Measures: | 147 x 194 mm |
Reference: | S37850 |
Author | Paolo FORLANI |
Year: | 1567 |
Zone: | Valletta |
Measures: | 147 x 194 mm |
THE VERY RARE FIRST ISSUE FROM Il primo libro delle città et fortezze principali del mondo, 1567.
Map of the port of Malta, signed with the imprint of the column, which identifies Paolo Forlani as the publisher of the sheet.This word derives from the small map by Domenico Zenoi, as evidenced by the unnaturally curvilinear shape of the peninsula of Sceberras that the two maps have in common.
At the bottom we read: "Li Porti di Malta, di nuovo ristaurati doppo partito l'assedio d'infideli, ridotto in picciola forma p piu comodo, et per piu inteligenza si à messo l'ordine il modo delle batterie, che giorno e notte, davano la quale per gratia de jddio s'è miracolosamete salvata da tale rabia."
The editorial imprint follows: jn merzaria al segno della (depicted a column). Map without orientation or scale. Etching and engraving, very good condition. A very rare, early, map of Valletta.
On the peninsula is drawn a fortress that does not follow the scheme of Laparelli, already perfectly reproduced by the Forlani in the plan described above, but is near to the model of Bartolomeo Genga. This map is included in four of the five known examples of "Il primo libro delle citta et fortezze del mondo"", a collection of urban cartography containing works by Forlani and Zenoi. It's also present in some examples of the "Civitatum aliquot insignorum ... exacta delineatio" (1568) by Ferrando Bertelli, as well as in several large-scale collections; in the collection of the Biblioteca Marucelliana the map is printed on a single large sheet with map of the island by Zenoi.
Paolo Forlani, a native of Verona, opened his own chalcographic workshop in Venice, Al segno del pozzo, in 1560, as reflected in some of his works. From 1566 he was active in Merzaria al segno della colonna and from 1569 in Merzaria al segno della nave. Forlani had business relationships with the major publishers of cartographic material of the time, among them Antonio Lafreri, the Bertelli family, and others. In addition to being a talented engraver, he was also quick to execute, a quality that enabled him to work for different publishers at the same time, and to execute a large amount of work. Woodward attributes about one hundred works to Forlani, most of which, however, are unsigned. Between 1560 and 1567, Forlani collaborated with Ferrando Bertelli, for whom he engraved about ten copperplates, with Camocio, Bolognino Zaltieri, and with Claudio Duchetti, for whom he engraved some maps. For his professional activity, however, the collaboration with Giacomo Gastaldi, for whom he engraved thirteen maps, was very important and valuable. In 1567 Forlani published and traded his work Il primo libro delle città et fortezze principali del mondo, whose branches later passed to Bolognino Zaltieri. It is likely that Forlani died during the plague that spread through Venice from 1575.
Beautiful proof, printed on contemporary laid paper, some foxing, otherwise in very good condition.
S. Bifolco, F. Ronca, Cartografia e topografia italiana del XVI secolo, tav. 899; S. Bifolco, Città e Fortezze Principali del Mondo. Le prime raccolte italiane di cartografia urbana e gli isolari del XVI secolo, in “Cartografia e topografia italiana del XVI secolo”, pp. 137-152; Albert Ganado, The Forlani-Zenoi town books of 1567. A description and analysis, in “Florilegium Cartographicum. Beiträge zur Kartographiegeschichte und Vedutenkunde des 16. Bis 18. Jahrhunderts”, a cura di Peter H. Köhl e Peter H. Meurer, Lipsia, 1993, pp. 21-34; Béla Szalai, (adattamento e traduzione inglese Ivan Matković), The Representation of the Hungarian Towns in Domenico Zenoi’s and Paolo Forlani’s Cartographic Work, in “Kartografija i geoinformacije”, Vol.11 (Budapest, No.18 December 2012), pp. 4-37; Vladimiro Valerio, Piante e vedute di Napoli dal 1486 al 1599. L’origine della iconografia urbana europea, Napoli, 1998; p. 40, n. 32 e p. 47, n. 16; David Woodward, Paolo Forlani: Compiler, Engraver, Printer, or Publisher? in Imago Mundi, Vol. 44 (Londra, 1992), pp. 45-64; Ganado (1993): p. 33, n. A47; Ganado-Vadalà (1995): pp. 303-308, n. 65, tav. 64; Ganado (2003): pp. 417-418, n. 58, tav. 155.
Paolo FORLANI (Attivo a Venezia seconda metà del XVI secolo)
Paolo Forlani, a native of Verona, opened his own chalcographic workshop in Venice, Al segno del pozzo, in 1560, as reflected in some of his works. From 1566 he was active in Merzaria al segno della colonna and from 1569 in Merzaria al segno della nave. Forlani had business relationships with the major publishers of cartographic material of the time, among them Antonio Lafreri, the Bertelli family, and others. In addition to being a talented engraver, he was also quick to execute, a quality that enabled him to work for different publishers at the same time, and to execute a large amount of work. Woodward attributes about one hundred works to Forlani, most of which, however, are unsigned. Between 1560 and 1567, Forlani collaborated with Ferrando Bertelli, for whom he engraved about ten copperplates, with Camocio, Bolognino Zaltieri, and with Claudio Duchetti, for whom he engraved some maps. For his professional activity, however, the collaboration with Giacomo Gastaldi, for whom he engraved thirteen maps, was very important and valuable. In 1567 Forlani published and traded his work Il primo libro delle città et fortezze principali del mondo, whose branches later passed to Bolognino Zaltieri. It is likely that Forlani died during the plague that spread through Venice from 1575.
Paolo FORLANI (Attivo a Venezia seconda metà del XVI secolo)
Paolo Forlani, a native of Verona, opened his own chalcographic workshop in Venice, Al segno del pozzo, in 1560, as reflected in some of his works. From 1566 he was active in Merzaria al segno della colonna and from 1569 in Merzaria al segno della nave. Forlani had business relationships with the major publishers of cartographic material of the time, among them Antonio Lafreri, the Bertelli family, and others. In addition to being a talented engraver, he was also quick to execute, a quality that enabled him to work for different publishers at the same time, and to execute a large amount of work. Woodward attributes about one hundred works to Forlani, most of which, however, are unsigned. Between 1560 and 1567, Forlani collaborated with Ferrando Bertelli, for whom he engraved about ten copperplates, with Camocio, Bolognino Zaltieri, and with Claudio Duchetti, for whom he engraved some maps. For his professional activity, however, the collaboration with Giacomo Gastaldi, for whom he engraved thirteen maps, was very important and valuable. In 1567 Forlani published and traded his work Il primo libro delle città et fortezze principali del mondo, whose branches later passed to Bolognino Zaltieri. It is likely that Forlani died during the plague that spread through Venice from 1575.