Reference: | VR62FR |
Author | François Olivier |
Year: | 1782 |
Zone: | Mediterranean Sea |
Printed: | Toulone |
Measures: | - x - mm |
Reference: | VR62FR |
Author | François Olivier |
Year: | 1782 |
Zone: | Mediterranean Sea |
Printed: | Toulone |
Measures: | - x - mm |
Nautical Atlas of the Mediterranean Sea by the French hydrograph François Olivier.
In-folio (405x570 mm), original cardboard with manuscript title on the plate containing 4 double-page chartes, depicting the Atlantic coasts of Europe, the general map of the Mediterranean (2 sheets) and the Aegean Sea. Slightly worn cardboard, maps in good condition.
Nautical Atlas of only four sheets, intended for navigation in the Mediterranean.
- Nouvelle Carte de la Mer Méditerranée jusques au Cap S. Vincent et Cap Cantin. Dédiée à Monseigneur le Comte de Maurepas, Ministre et Secretaire d’Etat, par Son tres humble et tres Obeissant Serviteur F. Olivier, pilote vice-amiral au departemt de toulon, Corrigée sur Ses Observations, Sur Celles de Son frère et autres pilotes entretenus du Roy, et Cap.nes Marchands. 1746. Dressée par Ordre. (2 sheets chart of the Mediterranean Sea, size 555x780 mm each one. Signed: Faure Sculpxit, Doumet inv.)
- Carte de l'Archipel aussi Corrigée par F. Olivier Pilote Vice-Amiral au Department de Toulon (chart of Aegean Sea, size 550x790 mm)
- Nouvelle Carte Conténant les Isles Canaries […] Cette Carte est Corrigée par Francois Olivier Pilote Vice Amiral à ce department de Toulon […] 1754 (chart of the Atlantic Coast of Europe, size 790x555 mm).
Second edition of Olivier's nautical Atlas. In the Mediterranean chart, at the top left of the western sheet, is added: A. P. D. R. 1782 (avec privilege du Roy). In the lower cartouche of the map the imprint: Chez Boéry Libraire Et Papetier Sur Le Port is added to Toulon. 1775.
In the western sheet, in a box at the bottom, we read: Comme lòn ne Saurois prendre trop de precaution pour Rendre la Navigation plus Assuree, je me Suis attaché a Coriger Cette Carte, les grandes Obs.tions que je ay faites provveront Mon aplication. Et Veulant la mettre en plus grand point, et plus fidelle Sil et possible, je, prie Messieurs les Marins de me favoriser de leurs Remarques. Jay marqué tous le dangers qu’on ma donnés, je Souhaite de tout mon Coeur qu’ il ny en ait point tant, mais il faut toujours Sen mesier. Les points Marquées pres les Ilses de S.t Pierre ce Sont de fonds blanc on peut y passer dessus.
The only news related to François Olivier (active 1746-1782) are those deduced from his very rare nautical charts. We know that he was a vessel pilot, Vice Admiral of the Toulon region because he defines himself as Vice amiral au Departement de Toulon. Around the middle of the 18th century Toulon had become one of the most important naval bases in France, home of the largest Mediterranean fleet. This chart is dedicated to Jean-Frédéric Phélypeaux, count de Maurepas and Secretary of the Navy. If we exclude the initial charts of Henry Michelot & Laurent Bremond, this is the first independent nautical publication made in the hegemonic period of the Dépôt des cartes et plans de la Marine, which from 1720 onwards had assumed control of cartographic production.
We did not find out any notice about Julien Boéry; in the work "Leçons de navigation" by M. Deulage (Rouen 1784), before the title page, we read: Ce livre se vend a Toulon chez Julien Boéry; we can therefore hypothesize that Boéry was a small publisher, typographer and bookseller specialized in the sale of nautical charts, books and instruments, based in the port of Toulon which, at that time was - together with Marseille - the most important French port on the Mediterranean, home of the Navy. The Mediterranean chart is part of a nautical Atlas, of only 4 plates, which allowed the navigator to move from the Atlantic coasts of Europe to the Aegean Sea.
Beautiful example of this rare Atlas.
Bibliografia: cfr. O. Chapuis, A la mer comme au ciel: Beautemps-Beaupré & la naissance de lhydrographie, Parigi, 1999, pp. 151-2; National Maritime Museum, Catalogue of the Library - Vol. Three, Atlas & Cartography, Londra, 1971, p. 313, n. 260 (1, 2).
S. Bifolco, "Mare Nostrum, Cartografia nautica a stampa del Mar Mediterraneo" (2020), pp. 278-279, tav. 130.
François Olivier(attivo 1746-1782)
S. Bifolco, "Mare Nostrum, Cartografia nautica a stampa del Mar Mediterraneo" (2020), pp. 278-279, tav. 130.
François Olivier(attivo 1746-1782)