Goletta, et Novo forte avanti Tunesi, co' l’Assedio p terra, et p Mare d Turchi et Mori, el luglio, et agosto 74

Reference: S39302
Author Giovanni Francesco CAMOCIO
Year: 1574
Zone: Tunis
Printed: Venice
Measures: 358 x 210 mm

Reference: S39302
Author Giovanni Francesco CAMOCIO
Year: 1574
Zone: Tunis
Printed: Venice
Measures: 358 x 210 mm


The siege of Tunis in August 1574

The map depicts part of present-day Tunisia with the city of Tunis, the fort of La Goletta and the ruins of Carthage. It is a so-called “broadsheet map” depicting the Turkish siege of Tunis in the summer of 1574.

The ornamental cartouche in the upper right-hand corner reads: Goletta, et Novo forte avanti Tunesi, co[n] l’Assedio p[er] terra, et p[er] Mare d[e] Turchi et Mori, el luglio, et agosto .74. Co[n] li gra[n] sforci de Sina[n] bassa[n], et d[e] Ucchiali capitt.o de lArmata, et le mirabil prove fatte in Goletta da Do[n] Pietro Carreea et dal S.Gabrio Serbellone nel nuovo forte, con mortalita incredibile d[e] Turchi, et Mori. Apresso Gio. Franc.o Camocio. Orientation provided by a wind rose, inside the pond, showing north, northwest to the right.

In the autumn of 1573, thanks to the undertaking of Giovanni of Austria, Spain was able to reconquer Tunis, which had been conquered under Spanish control since 1535in 1569 by Ulug'Ali, or Occhiali, who governed Algiers from the previous year. The Ottoman Empire, in the summer of 1574, rebuilt the fleet, organized a powerful expedition under the command of Ululg'Ali. In Tunis, during the brief Spanish rule, a sort of protectorate had been established for which, alongside the prince hafsida, to whom the government of the Moors was left, was appointed the Milanese Gabrio Servelloni. During of his government, he was commissioned by don Giovanni to build a citadel between the pond and the city of Tunis, contrary to the indications of Philip II who suggested the dismantling of all fortresses so that Turks did not find the possibility of settlement. At La Goletta, just improved with new defense works, he was appointed as governor Pedro of Porto Carrero, who surrendered on August 23rd.

The engraving depicts the Bay of Tunis during the siege by the Turks in July 1574 at the Goletta. The work of the Camocio is inserted in the Christian propaganda press which, probably due to the effect of the victory at Lepanto, as well as the most recent undertaking of Giovanni of Austria, he trusted in the possibility of repelling the Ottoman attack. Instead, the Turkish expedition, supported by forces Maghreb Muslims eliminate, this time forever, the Spanish presence in Tunisia.

Giovanni Francesco Camocio, a Venetian publisher originally from Asolo. The main activity of Camocio, owner of the bookstore “Al segno della Piramide” in San Lio in Merceria, was the sale of prints and engravings, intaglio reproductions of important works of art and maps, while his activity as a book publisher turns out to be fragmentary and deferred in time. Camocio was one of the greatest publishers of maps in the 16th century, all of which were produced in an intaglio workshop certainly owned by him; the presence of his name in many maps and his requests for privileges testify to his intense activity. Subjects taken from great artists such as Titian and Michelangelo, views of cities, fortresses, and maps, for the production of which engravers and cartographers of the value of Domenico Zenoi, Donato and Ferdinando Bertelli, Paolo Forlani, and Giacomo Gastaldi were called upon to collaborate, as can be seen from the signatures on the maps.

Etching with engraving, printed on contemporary laid paper without watermark, in good condition.  A very rare map; according with Bifolco-Ronca, only 5 examples of the map are known in the Public Libraries (Atlante Aragona; Milano, Raccolta Bertarelli; Parigi, Bibliotheque Nationale; Roma, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana; Wolfenbuttel, Herzog August Bibliothek).


Bifolco-Ronca, Cartografia e Topografia Italiana del XVI secolo, Catalogo ragionato delle opere a stampa (2018), p. 540, tav. 154; Jalel Akacha & Marcella Garulli, Architetti e ingegneri militari italiani al presidio della Goletta di Tunisi, in «Architetti e Ingegneri Militari all’estero dal XV al XVIII», vol. I, Istituto Italiano del Castelli, 1994, pp. 88-89; Salvatore Bono, Tunisi e la goletta negli anni 1573-1574, in “Africa”, Istituto Italo-Africano, Roma 1976; pp. 1- 39.


Giovanni Francesco CAMOCIO (Attivo a Venezia tra 1558 - 1575)

Publisher Venetian, born in the first half of the century. XVI, in an uncertain place, perhaps in Asolo (Treviso) perhaps Slot (Cream). Most likely the first hypothesis because the presence of Camocio family, originally from Piedmont, is widely documented in the town of Treviso. The family Camocio, also belonged the celebrated Hellenist John the Baptist, considered by some historians, relatives and even John's brother Francis. Camocio already resident in Venice, the Doge in 1552 asked for and obtained, together with other shareholders, as editor, the privilege for fifteen years to publish the translation into Latin of the writings of Greek authors. In his book publisher, is also attributed some ten editions in Health (until 1571). The main activity of Camocio, owner of the library "The symbolism of the Pyramid" in San Lio in Haberdashery, was the sale of prints and engravings, intaglio reproductions of important works of art and maps, while his activities as a publisher of books is fragmented and delayed in time. At the "Pyramid" is also sold books on spicy, like the sonnets printed by Domenico Zenoi, which earned him the payment of a fine: 10 ducats to the author and owner of 5 ducats a library. Camocio was one of the largest publishers of maps of the sixteenth century, all produced in a laboratory chalcographic definitely its own. Although it is very difficult to determine precisely how many cards you collected and managed to produce and print, because of the ease with which, over time, they falsified the names of authors, publishers, and dates were changed. However, the presence of his name in many papers and his demands for privilege testify to his busy schedule. Subjects taken by great artists such as Titian and Michelangelo, views of cities, fortresses and maps, for the realization of which were called to work as evidenced by the signatures on the cards, engravers and cartographers of the value of Domenico Zenoi (Zenoni), Donato and Ferdinand (Ferdinand) Bertelli, Paolo Furlani (Forlani) and Giacomo Gastaldi.

Giovanni Francesco CAMOCIO (Attivo a Venezia tra 1558 - 1575)

Publisher Venetian, born in the first half of the century. XVI, in an uncertain place, perhaps in Asolo (Treviso) perhaps Slot (Cream). Most likely the first hypothesis because the presence of Camocio family, originally from Piedmont, is widely documented in the town of Treviso. The family Camocio, also belonged the celebrated Hellenist John the Baptist, considered by some historians, relatives and even John's brother Francis. Camocio already resident in Venice, the Doge in 1552 asked for and obtained, together with other shareholders, as editor, the privilege for fifteen years to publish the translation into Latin of the writings of Greek authors. In his book publisher, is also attributed some ten editions in Health (until 1571). The main activity of Camocio, owner of the library "The symbolism of the Pyramid" in San Lio in Haberdashery, was the sale of prints and engravings, intaglio reproductions of important works of art and maps, while his activities as a publisher of books is fragmented and delayed in time. At the "Pyramid" is also sold books on spicy, like the sonnets printed by Domenico Zenoi, which earned him the payment of a fine: 10 ducats to the author and owner of 5 ducats a library. Camocio was one of the largest publishers of maps of the sixteenth century, all produced in a laboratory chalcographic definitely its own. Although it is very difficult to determine precisely how many cards you collected and managed to produce and print, because of the ease with which, over time, they falsified the names of authors, publishers, and dates were changed. However, the presence of his name in many papers and his demands for privilege testify to his busy schedule. Subjects taken by great artists such as Titian and Michelangelo, views of cities, fortresses and maps, for the realization of which were called to work as evidenced by the signatures on the cards, engravers and cartographers of the value of Domenico Zenoi (Zenoni), Donato and Ferdinand (Ferdinand) Bertelli, Paolo Furlani (Forlani) and Giacomo Gastaldi.