Reference: | CO-436 |
Author | Philipp CLUVER |
Year: | 1678 |
Zone: | North of Italy |
Measures: | 255 x 210 mm |
Reference: | CO-436 |
Author | Philipp CLUVER |
Year: | 1678 |
Zone: | North of Italy |
Measures: | 255 x 210 mm |
Carta geografica tratta dalla Philippi Cluverii Introductio in universam geographiam tam veterem, quam novam, multis locis emendata.Editio quarta prioribus locupletior & correctior, stampata con imprint Impensis heredum Conradi Bunonis, Brunsuigae, typis Johannis Henrici Dunckeri, Guelpherbyti, 1678.
Questa edizione fu curata dallo storico, geografo e teologo tedesco Johan Buno o Bunone (1617-1697) che provvide a integrare e correggere il testo originale di Cluver.
Incisione in rame, finemente colorata, in ottimo stato di conservazione.
Philipp CLUVER (Danzica 1580 - Leyden 1622)
Cluver was born in in Danzig and after studying in Leyden and Oxford, he took interest in historical geography; his subsequent publications made a wide and influential contribution to the knowledge of the subject .
1616-31 Germania Antiqua
1619 Sicilia Antiqua
1659 ,c. 1724 Re-issued
1624 Italia Antiqua
1659,1674,1724 Re-issued
1624 Introductionis in Universam Geographicam
1667,1676,1683,1711,1729 and later issues
Philipp CLUVER (Danzica 1580 - Leyden 1622)
Cluver was born in in Danzig and after studying in Leyden and Oxford, he took interest in historical geography; his subsequent publications made a wide and influential contribution to the knowledge of the subject .
1616-31 Germania Antiqua
1619 Sicilia Antiqua
1659 ,c. 1724 Re-issued
1624 Italia Antiqua
1659,1674,1724 Re-issued
1624 Introductionis in Universam Geographicam
1667,1676,1683,1711,1729 and later issues