Canaletto - Disegni, Dipinti, Incisioni

Reference: S0147
Author Alessandro Bettagno
Year: 1982
Zone: -
Printed: Vicenza
Measures: 240 x 310 mm

Reference: S0147
Author Alessandro Bettagno
Year: 1982
Zone: -
Printed: Vicenza
Measures: 240 x 310 mm


Catalogue of the exhibition, edited by Alessandro Bettagno, held in 1982.

The volume collects the writings of: A. Bettagno, R. Bromberg, J. Byam Shaw, A. Corboz, J. Daniels, F. Haskell, J.G. Links, O. Millar, C. Miller, G. Nepi Scirè, R. Pallucchini, T. Pignatti, L. Puppi, E. Schleier, F. Valcanover, P. Zampetti.


Physical description: paperback, 104 p. text and 170 black illustrations.

Subjects: Art Exhibition on Canaletto. To consult the specific index of this volume scroll through the images in the gallery.

Publisher: Neri Pozza

Language: Italian

Alessandro Bettagno

Alessandro Bettagno