Reference: | S38006 |
Author | Natale BONIFACIO |
Year: | 1580 |
Zone: | Palermo |
Printed: | Rome |
Measures: | 560 x 420 mm |
Reference: | S38006 |
Author | Natale BONIFACIO |
Year: | 1580 |
Zone: | Palermo |
Printed: | Rome |
Measures: | 560 x 420 mm |
First state (of two, before the address of Giovanni Orlandi) of the Palermo map designed by Orazio Maiocchi (Maiocco) and engraved by Natale Bonifacio for the publisher Claudio Duchetti.
Very rare work, known through only 12 examples preserved in public collections all over the world (see Bifolco-Ronca, 2018, table 1178). Magnificient example, white margins, in excellent condition.
At the center, the imperial coat of arms of the royal house of Austria-Spain. In the cartouche at the top left, surmounted by the coat of arms of the Colonna-Orsini, the dedication: All'Ill.mo et Eccel.mo S.or Marcantonio Colonna Vicerè di Sicilia. Palermo Citta principalissima nella Sicilia dotata non sola dalla fertilità et vaghezza naturale del sito, ma d’un sicurissimo porto, aiutato dall’arte; di edificij stupendi, tanto publici come privati, et d’altre cose notabili, che si rechiedeno per imbellire ogni gran città, poi chè dall’Eccellenza Vostra Ill.ma ha ricevuta la bella strada detta della Colonna, et vivendosj hora in essa sotto il suo regimento in ta[n]ta felicita, ben conviene che havendo io da mandare in luce il suo disegno, lo dedichj come faccio all’Eccel.za V[ost]ra, la supplico dunque si degni haver grato questo mio picciol dono, per la generosita dell’animo suo mentre humilmente la riverisco et migl’inchino. Marcho Duchetto. D.D. Nel cartiglio in alto a destra, sormontato dallo stemma della città, si legge: Quod solide hoc Regnum nunc regaliq[ue] columne Heret, quisq[ue] potest tutam traducere vitam; Ac cum Trinacria aeterno q[uam] foedere iuncta est Roma et seclorum stabili sic lege fatendum Hactenus ut felix sit terq[ue] quaterq[ue] beata Urbs hec, Barbaricas Romano et Principe ge[n]tes Comprinat, et claro Regum de sanguine natus Vexillo insignis Christi, Dux, atque triumpho ingressus patriam renovavit Secla Quirinj. 28.
At bottom margin a numerical key of 128 references to notable places and monuments, distributed on 15 columns. In the last cartouche, the editorial details : Presbiter Horatius Maiocchus Inventor. Natalis Bonifatius Fecit. Romae Apud Claudij Duchetij Anno D[omi]n[i]. 1580.
Orientation provided by a compass rose in the sea, North-East is below; without graphic scale.
Etching and engraving, dimensions 420x560 mm.
This is the first printed map of the city of Palermo.
Bibliography: Cartografia Rara (1986): n. 95; Christie’s (1998): n. 1068; Christie’s (2012): n. 55; Destombes (1970): nn. 89-89a; Edwards (1933): n. 79; Ganado (1994): VI, n. 57 & p. 214, n. 76; Barbera Azzarello (1980): vol. 1, n. 10 e vol. 2, tav. 10; Benevolo (1969): pp. 87-89, tav. XVIII; La Duca (1975); L’Immagine delle città italiane (1998): pp. 164-165, n. 61; Marcellino (1947): pp. 199-233; Pagani (2012): p. 82; Tooley (1939): nn. 431-432; Tooley (1983): nn. 432a, 440a.
Bifolco-Ronca (2018): tav. 1178, I/II.
Natale BONIFACIO (Sebenico 1537- ? 1592)
Engraver, etcher, designer, printer, print publisher and cosmographer, from Sebenico. Active in Venice c. 1570-74,and then in Rome 1575-91.He was proposed for membership of Virtuosi del Pantheon 9 February 1578, where described as “intagliatore in rame”(Orbaan).1579 he was a member of the Confraternity of San Girolamo degli Illirici.The inscription on his tombstone notes his activity as engraver and cosmographer (“aeris caelator divinus ac optimus geographus”).
In Venice his work was published by Camocio, Ferrando Bertelli, Luca Bertelli and Donato Bertelli, Borgaruccio Borgarucci and Nelli.
In Rome his work was published by Lafrery, Claudio Duchetti, Lorenzo Vaccari, and Nicolas van Aelst. His prints included maps, antiquities, devotional and didactic subjects.Plates for Domenico Fontana’s Della trasportatione dell’obelisco Vaticano 1590.
Bifolco-Ronca (2018): tav. 1178, I/II.
Natale BONIFACIO (Sebenico 1537- ? 1592)
Engraver, etcher, designer, printer, print publisher and cosmographer, from Sebenico. Active in Venice c. 1570-74,and then in Rome 1575-91.He was proposed for membership of Virtuosi del Pantheon 9 February 1578, where described as “intagliatore in rame”(Orbaan).1579 he was a member of the Confraternity of San Girolamo degli Illirici.The inscription on his tombstone notes his activity as engraver and cosmographer (“aeris caelator divinus ac optimus geographus”).
In Venice his work was published by Camocio, Ferrando Bertelli, Luca Bertelli and Donato Bertelli, Borgaruccio Borgarucci and Nelli.
In Rome his work was published by Lafrery, Claudio Duchetti, Lorenzo Vaccari, and Nicolas van Aelst. His prints included maps, antiquities, devotional and didactic subjects.Plates for Domenico Fontana’s Della trasportatione dell’obelisco Vaticano 1590.