Reference: | CO-048 |
Author | Franciscus HALMA |
Year: | 1704 |
Zone: | Valle dell'Aniene |
Printed: | Amsterdam |
Measures: | 390 x 335 mm |
Reference: | CO-048 |
Author | Franciscus HALMA |
Year: | 1704 |
Zone: | Valle dell'Aniene |
Printed: | Amsterdam |
Measures: | 390 x 335 mm |
L’incisione originale da cui è tratta la stampa, che reca nelle iscrizioni in alto a sinistra il riferimento a Raffaele Fabretti, dovette far parte del corredo illustrativo del volume “De Aquis et Aquaeductibus veteris Romae” di cui fu autore l’archeologo ed erudito urbinate Fabretti, volume pubblicato per la prima volta a Roma nel 1680 (presso Giovanni Battista Bussotti), poi nel 1788 (presso Natale Barbiellini, sempre a Roma).
Questa tavola è incisa da Jacob vam Vianen su disegno di Jan Goeree, e pubblicata nell'opera Beschryving van oud en nieuw Rome, di François Jacques Deseine edita ad Amsterdam nel 1704 da Franz Halm (Franciscus Halma), in 2 volumi.
Acquaforte, in ottimo stato di conservazione.
Franciscus HALMA (1653 - 1722)
A book publisher who started business in Utrecht and later moved to Amsterdam and finally settled in Leeuwarden .Included in his prolific output of historical and theological work were issues of the atlases detailed below.
1695 Ptolemy’s Geographia
re-issues at Utrecht of Mercator’s 1578 edition : further issues1698(Franeker)
1704 (Utrecht)
(See also Appendix A.)
1704 Geographia Sacra
c. 1705-09 Description de tout l’Univers
1718 Atlas of Friesland
re-issue of work by Schotanus van Sterringa (1698)
Franciscus HALMA (1653 - 1722)
A book publisher who started business in Utrecht and later moved to Amsterdam and finally settled in Leeuwarden .Included in his prolific output of historical and theological work were issues of the atlases detailed below.
1695 Ptolemy’s Geographia
re-issues at Utrecht of Mercator’s 1578 edition : further issues1698(Franeker)
1704 (Utrecht)
(See also Appendix A.)
1704 Geographia Sacra
c. 1705-09 Description de tout l’Univers
1718 Atlas of Friesland
re-issue of work by Schotanus van Sterringa (1698)