Circoli per formare La Sfera Armillare

Reference: s22320
Author Bernardino OLIVIERI
Year: 1795 ca.
Zone: Terrestrial Globe
Printed: Rome
Measures: 415 x 390 mm

Reference: s22320
Author Bernardino OLIVIERI
Year: 1795 ca.
Zone: Terrestrial Globe
Printed: Rome
Measures: 415 x 390 mm


This matching set of sheets contain the pieces to construct an armillary sphere. The central terrestrial globe is in 12 segments and would have a diameter of approximately 5.5 cm if constructed. The overall armillary sphere would have a diameter of 28 cm. The various rings of the armillary sphere include the equator, the Tropic of Cancer, the Tropic of Capricorn, the zones, and the Polar and Antarctic circles.

Uncommon maps, published in the Nuovo Atlante Geografico Universale, that was commissioned to Cassini by the Calcografia Camerale, in order to replace the obsolete De Rossi's  Mercurio Geografico.

Bernardino Olivieri was a cartographer and engraver at the Calcografia Camerale di Roma located in the Collegio di Propaganda Fide.

Copper engraving, finely hand colored, in very good condition. Rare.

Bernardino OLIVIERI (Roma, 1770 - ?)

Etcher who worked in Rome in the early nineteenth century.

Bernardino OLIVIERI (Roma, 1770 - ?)

Etcher who worked in Rome in the early nineteenth century.