Rome - Ponte Rotto / Roma - Ponte Rotto

Reference: S48937
Author Isidor Laurent DEROY
Year: 1840 ca.
Zone: Ponte Rotto
Printed: Paris
Measures: 390 x 275 mm

Reference: S48937
Author Isidor Laurent DEROY
Year: 1840 ca.
Zone: Ponte Rotto
Printed: Paris
Measures: 390 x 275 mm


View taken from "L'Italie, collection des sites les plus renommés et des Monumens les plus remarquables de ce pays".

Designed and lithographed by Deroy for the publisher Jeannin of Paris.

Litograph with fine hand colouring, excellent condition.

Isidor Laurent DEROY (Parigi 1797 - 1886)

Son of Jacques Deroy and Aimee Madeleine Pertuisot, Deroy was a student of the architect Felix and the painter Cassas. French painter and lithographer. He essentially reproduced French landscapes and animal. Part of his work was collected in the galleries of the Duchess of Berry and of the Duke of Orleans. In 1860 he was the author, with the Becquet brothers, of the "France in Miniature" series. As lithographer he has reproduced various subjects for the Musée de l'Amateur and published a lot of views. His sons, ùEmile and Auguste Victor, were his students. He died in 1886 at his home in Paris.

Isidor Laurent DEROY (Parigi 1797 - 1886)

Son of Jacques Deroy and Aimee Madeleine Pertuisot, Deroy was a student of the architect Felix and the painter Cassas. French painter and lithographer. He essentially reproduced French landscapes and animal. Part of his work was collected in the galleries of the Duchess of Berry and of the Duke of Orleans. In 1860 he was the author, with the Becquet brothers, of the "France in Miniature" series. As lithographer he has reproduced various subjects for the Musée de l'Amateur and published a lot of views. His sons, ùEmile and Auguste Victor, were his students. He died in 1886 at his home in Paris.