St. Agatha

Reference: S47060
Author Gian Giacomo VALEGIO
Year: 1587
Measures: 145 x 210 mm

Reference: S47060
Author Gian Giacomo VALEGIO
Year: 1587
Measures: 145 x 210 mm


Engraving, 1587, signed and dated in plate at bottom “Iacobus Valegius Fecit 1587”.

Work not described in repertories.

Little is known about Giovanni Giacomo Valegio, to whom the “Neues allgemeines Künstler-Lexicon” assigns 16 engravings dated 1573 to 1587, among which this one of S. Agata does not appear:

Valegio oder Valeggio, Giovanni Jacomo, Kupferstecher von Verona, war um 1570-90 thätig, gleichzeitig mit einem Kunstverleger, Namens Nicolo Valegio. Es finden sich mehrere zart gestochene Blätter von ihm, welche aber im guten Drucke selten sind. Vielleicht muss Jacobo Caraglio mit ihm einige Blätter thei- len, da sich auch Valegio Jacobus Veronensis» nennt. Dieser Name steht auf einem Blatte mit der heil. Familie nach Rafael, welches Bartsch sub Nr. 5 dem Caraglio beilegt. Auf einem anderen Blatte, Nr. 7. bei Bartsch, steht Jo. Jacobus Veronensis fe., was noch näher auf unsern Künstler passt; wenn überhaupt die Arbeit für ihn spricht” [Valegio or Valeggio, Giovanni Giacomo, an engraver from Verona, was active around 1570-90, at the same time as an art publisher named Nicolo Valegio. Several of his delicately engraved sheets exist, but proofs with good print quality are rare. He is often confused with Gian Giacomo Caraglio, since Valegio also called himself “Jacobus Veronensis”. This name appears on one sheet, the Holy Family from Raffello Sanzio, which Bartsch assigns to Caraglio (B. no. 5). On another sheet (Bartsch no. 7), which fits Valegio's style more closely, he signs himself Jo. Jacobus Veronensis fe. ] (cfr. Neues allgemeines Künstler-Lexicon p. 318).

Good proof, printed on contemporary laid paper and applied to antique collection mount, in good condition. Very rare.


Cfr. Neues allgemeines Künstler-Lexicon oder Nachrichten von dem Leben und den Werken der Maler, Bildhauer, Baumeister, Kupferstecher, Formschneider, Lithographen, Zeichner, Medailleure, Elfenbeinarbeiter, etc, pp. 318-319.

Gian Giacomo VALEGIO (Verona circa 1548 – 1587)

Draftsman and engraver active in the second half of the seventeenth century. Valegio or Valeggio, Giovanni Giacomo, an engraver from Verona, was active around 1570-90, at the same time as an art publisher named Nicolo Valegio. Several of his delicately engraved sheets exist, but proofs with good print quality are rare. He is often confused with Gian Giacomo Caraglio, since Valegio also called himself “Jacobus Veronensis”. This name appears on one sheet, the Holy Family from Raffello Sanzio, which Bartsch assigns to Caraglio (B. no. 5). On another sheet (Bartsch no. 7), which fits Valegio's style more closely, he signs himself Jo. Jacobus Veronensis fe.

Gian Giacomo VALEGIO (Verona circa 1548 – 1587)

Draftsman and engraver active in the second half of the seventeenth century. Valegio or Valeggio, Giovanni Giacomo, an engraver from Verona, was active around 1570-90, at the same time as an art publisher named Nicolo Valegio. Several of his delicately engraved sheets exist, but proofs with good print quality are rare. He is often confused with Gian Giacomo Caraglio, since Valegio also called himself “Jacobus Veronensis”. This name appears on one sheet, the Holy Family from Raffello Sanzio, which Bartsch assigns to Caraglio (B. no. 5). On another sheet (Bartsch no. 7), which fits Valegio's style more closely, he signs himself Jo. Jacobus Veronensis fe.