S. Angelo

Reference: S46339
Author Frederik van Hulsen
Year: 1633
Zone: Castel S. Angelo
Printed: Frankfurt
Measures: 140 x 280 mm

Reference: S46339
Author Frederik van Hulsen
Year: 1633
Zone: Castel S. Angelo
Printed: Frankfurt
Measures: 140 x 280 mm


View of Castle S. Angelo taken from the Gründliche und warhaffte Beschreibung deß Königreichs Schweden und dessen incorporirten Provintzen by Johann Ludwig Gottfried, printed by Friedrich van Hulsius, 1633.

Frederik van Hulsen, or Friedrich von Hulsen, also known as Hulseen and Fredericus Hulsius (1580 – 1665) was a Dutch Golden Age printmaker active in Frankfurt and Nuremberg. He was born in Middelburg and became a pupil of Jan Theodor de Bry and was known for line engravings. He died in Frankfurt.

Johann Ludwig Gottfried was a German theologian, translator, and author who created one of the most widely read historical works of the early modern period. Born in Amberg, he studied theology in Heidelberg and was soon recognized by a publisher in Oppenheim for his skill with the written word. First published in 1631, his Johann-Ludwig Gottfrieds Historische Chronick oder Beschreibung der merckwürdigsten Geschichten enjoyed great popularity throughout the 17th and 18th centuries.

Etching, set in a page of text, good condition. Rare.

Frederik van Hulsen(1580 - 1665)

Frederik van Hulsen(1580 - 1665)