Conspectus templi S. Mariae, vulgo Rotundae, quod olim T. Jovis ultoris, sive Pantheon M. Agrippae.

Reference: s31365
Author Franciscus HALMA
Year: 1697 ca.
Zone: Pantheon
Printed: Amsterdam
Measures: 350 x 360 mm
Not Available

Reference: s31365
Author Franciscus HALMA
Year: 1697 ca.
Zone: Pantheon
Printed: Amsterdam
Measures: 350 x 360 mm
Not Available


A beutiful view From Beschryving van oud en nieuw Rome Written by François Jacques Deseine and published in Amsterdam by Franz Halm in 1704, in 2 vv.

The plate shows in the top a beautiful view of Piazza della Rotonda, with the Pantheon. After a drawing by L. Cruyl.
At the bottom of the plate, two insets depicting the fountain in Piazza della Rotonda and Piazza della Minerva, after Giovanni Battista Falda.

Etching and engraving, in very good condition.


B. Jatta, Lievin Cruyl e la sua opera grafica, p. 161.

Franciscus HALMA (1653 - 1722)

A book publisher who started business in Utrecht and later moved to Amsterdam and finally settled in Leeuwarden .Included in his prolific output of historical and theological work were issues of the atlases detailed below. 1695 Ptolemy’s Geographia re-issues at Utrecht of Mercator’s 1578 edition : further issues1698(Franeker) 1704 (Utrecht) (See also Appendix A.) 1704 Geographia Sacra c. 1705-09 Description de tout l’Univers 1718 Atlas of Friesland re-issue of work by Schotanus van Sterringa (1698)


B. Jatta, Lievin Cruyl e la sua opera grafica, p. 161.

Franciscus HALMA (1653 - 1722)

A book publisher who started business in Utrecht and later moved to Amsterdam and finally settled in Leeuwarden .Included in his prolific output of historical and theological work were issues of the atlases detailed below. 1695 Ptolemy’s Geographia re-issues at Utrecht of Mercator’s 1578 edition : further issues1698(Franeker) 1704 (Utrecht) (See also Appendix A.) 1704 Geographia Sacra c. 1705-09 Description de tout l’Univers 1718 Atlas of Friesland re-issue of work by Schotanus van Sterringa (1698)