Veduta del Tevere a mano manca fori di Porta del Popolo

Reference: S28206
Author Paolo ANESI
Year: 1745
Zone: Tevere
Printed: Rome
Measures: 212 x 150 mm

Reference: S28206
Author Paolo ANESI
Year: 1745
Zone: Tevere
Printed: Rome
Measures: 212 x 150 mm


Etching, around 1745, signed in plate. A very good impression with full margins, in perfect condition.

Taken from the “Varie Vedute di Roma Antica, e Moderna. Disegnate e Intagliate da Celebri Autori” printe in Rome by Fausto Amidei, 1748.

The collection, in 4th oblong, is published by Fausto Amidei in various editions from 1745 to 1750, and by Giovanni Bouchard in 1752. It contained an engraved frontispiece and 93/96 plates, of which 47 signed by Piranesi and others by Giraud, Carloni, Nicole, Mogalli, Bellicard, Le Geay, and Anesi.

Early works by Piranesi, who had just arrived in Rome where he was a student of the workshop of Giuseppe Vasi. Vasi’s works will take the name of the 'Magnificenze di Roma'; from 1747; at the beginning of the work Piranesi joined him, but, at least since 1744, he produced his own views, which in 1745 formed the most important nucleus of the 'Varie Vedute di Roma antica e moderna disegnate e intagliate da celebri autori' for the bookseller and editor Amidei.

Paolo ANESI (Roma, 9 Luglio 1697 - 1773)

Italian painter, draughtsman and engraver. He was the son of Pietro Anesi, a silk weaver from Venice. Paolo studied figure painting with Giuseppe Chiari and, in 1715, landscape painting with Bernardino Fergioni (1674–1738), who was also teaching Andrea Locatelli at that time. Sebastiano Conca was another of Anesi’s teachers. In 1723 Anesi married the daughter of the architect Giuseppe Sardi. His earliest known work is a drawing (1719; Florence, Uffizi), but he made his reputation with the only known example of his engraved work: Varie vedute inventate ed intagliate, dedicated to Cardinal Giuseppe Renato Imperiali and published in Rome in 1725.

Paolo ANESI (Roma, 9 Luglio 1697 - 1773)

Italian painter, draughtsman and engraver. He was the son of Pietro Anesi, a silk weaver from Venice. Paolo studied figure painting with Giuseppe Chiari and, in 1715, landscape painting with Bernardino Fergioni (1674–1738), who was also teaching Andrea Locatelli at that time. Sebastiano Conca was another of Anesi’s teachers. In 1723 Anesi married the daughter of the architect Giuseppe Sardi. His earliest known work is a drawing (1719; Florence, Uffizi), but he made his reputation with the only known example of his engraved work: Varie vedute inventate ed intagliate, dedicated to Cardinal Giuseppe Renato Imperiali and published in Rome in 1725.